As a pet parent, you’ve likely wondered what people foods you can share with your dog. After all, we’ve all heard about the dangers of certain foods like chocolate and want to make sure we don’t cause undue harm. Providing treats is just part of the deal when it comes to having a pet, and it can be fun to give them something you’re also snacking on. This causes a bit of controversy among many behavioral trainers, but some pet owners like to slip a scrap or two when the occasion is right. Let’s just make sure what you’re slipping your pup is something they will enjoy.

Safe Snacks – People Foods Your Pup Will Enjoy

Now you’re braced for the differing opinions around treating your pup with the occasional palmful of people food. Moving forward, let’s look at some of the dog-friendly people-food varieties known not to cause any problems. Remember, like all treats, moderation is key here – your dogs natural, whole-food-based diet should be the top priority.


A favorite treat among show handlers and trainers, cheese is a delicious treat your pup will be sure to enjoy. If you are enjoying a cheesy snack and find fido eyeballing you with longing in his eyes, he’ll be more than happy if you slip over a piece or two.

Apples (Cored)

Full of healthy fiber and crunchy sweetness, apples provide a great treat for your pets. Make sure to never feed them an apple with the core still in place, however. The seeds are toxic to dogs. Letting your pup enjoy an apple slice here and there is a great relationship builder.

Green Beans

Green crunchy fiber-filled beans are a fantastic snack for dogs. These low-calorie treats can be a great choice for overweight pets as they are filling and full of nutrients they need. Make sure not to feed them cooked beans if they have been salted or seasoned. Plain – raw or cooked – beans are best.


Not only are eggs a great treat for dogs, but they are also packed with nutrients. You can even use them as a treat that’s mixed into their food for an added nutritional boost. Because eggs are all-natural, full of protein and calcium, and easy to digest, they are great treats for dogs with a sensitive stomach as well.

Sweet Potatoes

These root veggies are excellent treats for your dog. They are packed full of vitamins and nutrients essential for your dog’s long-term health. You may want to consider learning how to make a healthy sweet potato jerky at home. It’s a fun way to ensure your pet gets tasty treats, at a fraction of the cost of store-bought bags!

All-Natural Peanut Butter

If you want to have a laugh and give your pup a treat, try giving him a spoonful of all-natural (100% peanuts) unsalted peanut butter. We all know how sticky a mouthful of peanut butter is. It’s no different for dogs. Your pup will lap at the sticky spoonful as you get to giggle while he makes silly faces and enjoys his treat.


Whether it’s canned and goopy or fresh and chunky, pumpkin is a great nutritious snack for your dog. It’s really good for their digestive system and dies really well in pets that have stomach sensitivities. Make sure you don’t give them pumpkin pie, however, as it not the same as a chunk of raw pumpkin.


Aside from grapes and raisins, most fruits are a nice treat for your dog. This is true of bananas, melons, berries, and oranges among others. On a hot summer’s day, you can even create some dog-friendly frozen fruit pops for them to cool down and get a boost of nutrients.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to fun people foods you can share with your dog, this list is just the beginning. These are the tried and true foods that many pet owners already have great results with. Even so, there is still a chance of a food sensitivity that could pose an issue. If you’d like to schedule a wellness visit to make sure your pet is in top shape, reach out to us here at Country Vet Clinic located in between Yuba City, Sutter, and Live Oak, CA. We will be glad to help in every way we can. Happy snacking!

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